Ghost Court is a ridiculous party game for 6 or more players about ghosts and the people who sue them.
In a small claims court full of plaintiffs and defendants, testy judges, overworked clerks, and peace-keeping bailiffsall of whom might be living or deadyou and your friends will see that spectral justice is done, one absurd case at a time.
Cases last a few minutes and are ridiculous. Will you be an over-the-top landlord, aggrieved at a scheduled haunting gone off the rails? Will you be a sad poltergeist who only wants to make a bad smell? In Ghost Court you might get to be both!
What you are about to witness is real. The participants are not actors. They are the living people and ghosts who have already either filed suit or been served a summons to appear in municipal court. Both parties in the suit have agreed to dismiss their court cases and have their disputes settled here, in our forum: Ghost Court.
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