
Federation (Deluxe Edition)

Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $50.00.

SKU: LHN3070814194 Category:


The galaxy is organized into many coalitions that govern multiple solar systems and worlds. Your systemwants to join one of these federations. Your fledgling empire is small, but that will not stop you. It is yourjob to impress the petty bureaucrats who control access to the Federation that your tiny governmentshould be taken seriously. Becoming a full member would give you advantages over your rivals.But yours is not the only delegation that has set its sights on joining the Federation. So, the contestbegins! You have 5 years to prove that you can be a productive member. During these 5 years, you mustmake the most of your opportunities to impress them. Sometimes you may be forced to work togetherwith your rivals to provide funding for special projects. So, it can be helpful to make friends, but youmust stay one step ahead of them. At the end of the 5 years, only one new member will be selected –the one with the most prestige!
Federationis an interactive Eurogame with an innovative double-sided worker placement mechanic.Every time you place a worker, you must decide if that worker will vote in favor of legislation that helpsyour cause or provides funding for local improvement projects. Every action is critical. At the end of theyear, the votes are counted, and whichever legislation becomes law offers points for the players whohave the highest level of influence in that area. Players must keep an eye on each opponent to see theplaces where they are strong or weak. Making sure that the areas you specialize in will score at the endof the game is critical to your success. Plan your strategy and execute it with the proper timing, and thatspot in the Federation will be secured!Components

  • 1 Central board (double-sided)Deluxe
  • 45 Erudite tiles (9 different tiles per types)
  • 8 Deep Space tiles
  • 1 Special Ambassador token
  • 8 Starting tiles (Starting Planet)
  • 2 Accreditation level tokens (+1 and +2)
  • 8 Megastructure tokens
  • 4 Production Structure tiles (double-sided)
  • 50 Alteration tokens
  • 10 Law tiles (5 different Law tiles per color)
  • 12 Asteroid tokens
  • 28 Medals of honor (7 colors)
  • 76 Resource tokens
  • 8 scoring markers (2 per player)
  • 4 +200/250 Scoring Markers (1 per player)
  • 7 Major Project markers
  • 1 President of the Senate punchboard standee (1st player)
  • 48 Special Mission tokens (12 per player)
  • 4 Joint Major Project marker
  • 4 individual player boards (double layer)
  • 16 Ambassador tokens double-sided (Voting / Funding) (4 per player)
  • 32 Spaceships (8 per player)
  • 4 Accreditation markers (1 per player)
  • 4 Mage pawns (1 per player)
  • 24 Robot pawns (6 per player)
  • 4 Miner pawns (1 per player)
  • 24 Trade discs (6 per player)
  • 8 player aids (double-sided)
  • 4 Assistant dice (1 per player)
  • 8 removable storage trays with lids

Components for 2- and 3-player games:

  • 5 Federated Planet Blocking tiles
  • 5 Room of the Senate Blocking tiles
  • 9 Neutral Player Vote tiles

AdditionalDeluxe Components:

  • 16 Deluxe Ambassador tokens double-sided (Voting / Funding) (4 per player)Deluxe
  • 1 Special Ambassador tokenDeluxe
  • 28 Wooden Silkscreen Medals of honor (7 colors)Deluxe
  • 76 Resource Gems (60 Crystals & 16 Golden Diamonds) (Plastic Gem)Deluxe
  • 1Legendary Spaceship tokenDeluxe
  • 15 Bonus Erudite tilesDeluxe
  • Rule Sheet for Bonus Content (Erudite Tiles & Legendary Spaceship)


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