

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.99.

SKU: LHN3070810002 Category:


Lunar is a quick-playing, trick-taking game for two or four players in which players combine the phases of the moon and nocturnal animals to form cards played into tricks, which are combined to determine their value within each trick.

Each round consists of twelve tricks played, and at the end of each round, a score is awarded based on the number of tricks and cards acquired. Once one player (or team) reaches 30 points, the game ends, and the side with the most points wins!

  • Clever card combination elements within a familiar trick-taking formula.
  • Breathtaking artwork and evocative theme gives a stunning table presence.
  • Accessible ruleset makes this game easy to learn and play for anyone.
  • A rare 2 player trick taking option that scales well at 2 or 4 players.


  • 24 Suit Cards
  • 24 Rank Cards
  • 4 Trump Tiles
  • 4 Partnership Tiles
  • 1 Trick Taking Board
  • 2 Trick Taking Markers
  • Scoreboard
  • Dry Erase Marker


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